I can't believe how long it's been since I did a blog post! I'm sort of debating whether to continue or not since I'm terrible at keeping up. I guess if I come back to it though it doesn't matter! Life is crazy now that I have two kids. Everything's changed, yet I continue to say, "I wonder what our next kid will look like?" We women are crazy. Our lives get busier, more stressful, and still we want to keep adding those kids on! It sounds crazy to say it, but we all know that it's because we all love being moms. It's the best job ever!

Last time I posted was when Jaxson was born. That was 8 months ago! Wow, I have never waited that long to post...until now. Jaxson is getting so big. And when I say big, I mean heavy! Che and I weighed both of the kids last week and it turns out that Tayen is 25 pounds and Jaxson is...wait for it...23 pounds! Holy moly no wonder my arms are killing me! It's just so funny how opposite they are when it comes to weight. I love my chunky monkey though. He's heavy, but I love it!

Jaxson sits up really well right now, rolls over, and is quite flexible! He's eating solids but not as well as I'd like. He eats oatmeal mixed with a fruit every morning and a veggie/protein at night. He is terrible at opening his mouth for me to feed him. he barely eats half and then he's done. I guess atleast he's eating something right? He has no problem with his bottles though ha ha! Jaxson loves music. I sing to him and play fun songs and he bounces up and down to the music with a huge grin on his face. It's the one thing that can make him super happy when he's sad. He has his 9 month appointment in a few weeks, but according to OUR scale, he is 23 pounds. Such a tank. He has quite the cute little birthmark on his cheek and his eyes just melt my heart. I just love him so much! Right now, I'm trying to put him on his stomach more so he can get to crawling. He may be one of those babies who goes straight to walking because he doesn't like his stomach very much. Jaxson is so entertained by his brother. He gets so excited when he's around and just grins at him all the time. He loves anything he can make noise with and loves Peek a Boo. He's quite a happy baby most of the time. Lately he is waking up 1-3 times every night but we're pretty sure he's starting to get teeth. He is such a sweet little boy and we love him so much!

Tayen turned 2 1/2 last month and I still can't believe it. He is growing up way too fast. He is the most active kid I've ever seen. When I think he's gained weight he hasn't. He's just this tiny little body that stays the same ha ha. According to OUR scale he did gain a pound since is two year appointment! He just runs and runs. It doesn't help that he's a picky eater too. Tayen loves to do anything outside. He is such a water boy so bath time is never a problem. Jaxson loves it too, especially with his brother. Tayen is also warming up to Jaxson better. He will sit and play with a toy that Jaxson's playing with without taking it away from him. I think he's starting to love his brother a little more. Tayen is great at puzzles and anything matching. I'm shocked how good he is actually. He's a good thinker and problem solver. The one thing with Tayen I'm not looking forward to is potty training. He doesn't seem ready, but I think I may introduce him to a small potty to see what he does. Oh and did I mention him and Jaxson wear the same size diaper? Ha ha makes it easier for me! I'm definitely not complaining.
Our family is doing well. The last 8 months have gone by fast since Jaxson was born. Tayen turned two in March where we did a combined birthday party with his cousin Brycen. A couple weeks later, we blessed Jaxson in our ward. Adam had just gotten home from his mission in Australia and was able to be there for the blessing. We were so excited that he got to come. It was really fun and exciting see him get off the plane. It's been great having him home! Summer was busy and really fun! We were able to celebrate a lot of it with family. Che is still working at the site and supporting our family so I can stay at home with the kids. I couldn't ask for a better guy! I am busy taking care of two boys and just trying to take it all in! We just celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary on September 22nd. We didn't actually celebrate though. Instead we drove to Bingham Memorial Hospital where Che's grandma was brought in critical condition. She had bleeding in her brain and there was nothing anyone could do. That night we had to let her go. It was a very hard day for the family. The funeral services were really wonderful and the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation gave us so much comfort. She was such a wonderful lady and we will miss her so much.
We love you, Grandma.
Apart from the hard and tragic events of that day, I am so grateful to have been married to an amazing husband for 7 years. He is my best friend and a really wonderful dad. He just makes me so happy and I love him so much. And look at the adorable kids we got out of getting married!
Happy Anniversary, Che!