Saturday, January 25, 2014

Bump Update

Well, I'm freaking out a little! 3 more days until our baby boy is here! We can't wait to meet baby Jaxson! I remember when the countdown was 89 days and now it's almost here.
Tomorrow I'll be officially 39 weeks and feeling pretty good actually! The worst I've felt has probably been in the last couple of weeks. It's amazing though because I was miserable with my last pregnancy and this one has been quite the opposite. I have had a lot more energy to the point where I had to tell myself to slow down. I think some of it had to do with having a toddler to chase around. Don't get me wrong, my feet have hurt and I've had some hip pain here and there, but overall this pregnancy has been a blessing compared to my last. Now it's almost here and I'm just now struggling with almost everything ha ha. Especially getting out of a couch or chair. Such small things are just so hard! Although, last week I managed to successfully paint my toenails!
I'm scheduled to have a repeat C-Section since obviously I had one with Tayen. I'm not one to go for  VBAC risks and neither is my doctor. I thought and prayed about my decision and in the end, I felt like I already knew my answer from the beginning. So, a C-Section is shall be! This time around feels so much different because with Tayen I went into labor and went through that whole 22 hour process of craziness. Now it's all scheduled and I feel like I'm just waiting on the edge of it. When you're not in pain and you know what you're walking into, it's kind of scary! But atleast I kind of know what to expect with the surgery.
This pregnancy went by in the blink of an eye. I'm sure it had everything to do with already having a child since they keep your life so busy. But wow, it seems like yesterday when we were ready to try again for another baby. I'm not sure if I ever typed it down on my blog, but here's a quick recap on getting pregnant for the second time...
When Tayen was 6 months, we decided to start trying again. Sounds crazy, right? It sounds crazy even while I type this ha ha. I haven't been on birth control since 2008 and I don't plan on going back on it honestly. So like I said, when Tayen turned 6 months we tried on our own without anything. No clomid, Metformin, OV Tests, IUI etc. Well nothing happened for 6 months and honestly I wasn't surprised. I was sure that some of my endometriosis was probably back not to mention the other problems we faced with conceiving.
In January 2013 I went to see my doctor to discuss all my options again. My yearly appointment was coming up so I figured I could see if I could just get it done early so I could get in as soon as possible. My doctor wasn't available that day so I talked with the PA who I love so much. She has been the one that has successfully gotten me pregnant through Intrauterine Insemenation. She was so excited for me when I told her we were ready to try again for another baby...which made me so happy that she was so happy :) After we talked it through we decided to put me on the highest dose of clomid for a couple months so we could make sure that I am indeed ovulating.
After a couple months and a few blood tests, we didn't get pregnant on our own. But again, I wasn't surprised. She said the next month we'd start the IUI process and I couldn't wait! Now, I hate the whole process, but knowing that this has worked for us 3 times, how could I not be excited!
The next month (May), I got a positive ovulation test and off I went to the office to get my first IUI since 2011. Felt like yesterday that I was getting one ha ha. It was no big deal since I was so used to it. I immediately went home and put my feet up while Tayen took a nice long nap. In no way was I expecting to get pregnant on the first one. But come May 28th, I took a pregnancy test and it was POSITIVE. Holy crap was I in shock. I took a picture of it on my phone and sent it to Che immediately and he couldn't believe it either. In fact, the same day, I took another pregnancy test, went to my mom's and told her I had a gift for her. I said "Pink or Blue?" She looked at me confused and said, "Pink." So I then proceeded to show her the pink pregnancy test. She was so happy. Anyway, from that moment on I felt incredibly grateful for the opportunities that we have to in order to have children. Not only could we afford it, but the IUI process has worked for us. Couldn't be more happy and grateful for all of it.
Now, I'm off to the hospital in just a few short days and looking ever so forward to meeting our little Jaxson. I feel so truly blessed and thankful. I can't wait for Tayen to have a little brother. Sometimes I feel like I just graduated high school and now I'm having baby #2! Life is simply wonderful.