Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Life is Good

I just love my litte family. We're having fun and just enjoying life. Che is still working out at the site and working 4 days on and off rotating day and night shifts. It gets hard, but he is used to it now. He is such a hard worker and I love him for that. He's the best husband and Dad a girl could ask for. When he's not working for the site, he goes to Blackfoot and works for his dad. He is a gym junkie and still loves his vehicles. His truck is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen inside and out. He is quite the detailer let me tell ya. I am so lucky to have married such an amazing man. We just love him to pieces!
Tayen just turned 14 months and has been walking for awhile now, but it seems like he's running more than walking ha ha. He loves being outside and hates it when we go in. He can't get enough of the dogs and horses at Grandma Miles' house and as soon as they get it put together, I'm pretty sure he'll love riding in Grandma and Grandpa O'Connor's new wagon! Tayen loves graham crackers, peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches, pizza, pasta, string cheese, carrots, beans, watermelon, and chocolate (just like his mom). He loves putting anything he can in the garbage so I have to really watch out for him. I accidentally threw away my measuring spoons because of it ha ha. He loves opening and closing doors, climbing the stairs, pushing cars, watching Mickey, looking at books, and playing with his toys. He's starting to throw small tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants and his naps are unfortunately getting shorter, or he won't take them at all!! Some days it's a two hour nap, another day it's an hour or nothing at all. Tayen waves "hi" and "bye" when he decides he wants to and responds to "no" really well until he decides to test me ha ha. Little stink! Tayen is such a sweet little boy though and I can't believe he will be going into nursery in 4 months!! It kills me! My little boy is growing up!
I am a stay at home mom and loving every minute of it. Besides taking care of Tay and the house, I am singing with The Idaho Falls Choralaires and have been doing that for a couple years now. I am also a member of the board as Historian which I really like, because I just love taking photos. I enjoy that as well as making photo books. I really enjoy being in a choir because I just love to sing. I can't NOT sing! I hope one day to be able to teach voice. I'm working on that and hope that dream will become a reality. I am the Primary Chorister and that keeps me sooo busy! It's my first calling in the Primary so talk about a lot! I love the music and the kids, but I'm still getting used to all the work. Eventually, I think it will go a little smoother for me. I'm so thankful to be in such an amazing ward. The members are so supportive and I've built some great relationships there. Life is good!

Dad just getting home from work and bringing home pizza!!
Yay for Family Night!